Non-Profits who are showing up every day
to make a difference in our community
We are a team of specialty providers who serve youth with complex medical or neurologic conditions to better understand their thinking, learning, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. Kid S.M.A.R.T. (Support for Medication, Assessment, Research, and Therapy) is a nonprofit organization that serves the Nashville, Tennessee area. Our goal is to support youth and families both locally and regionally who have limited access to high-quality mental health services as a result of economic hardship and/or systemic racial disparities. Kid S.M.A.R.T.'s mission is to raise funds through community partnerships to provide scholarships to those in need of neuropsychological evaluations but are unable to afford services. We believe that providing appropriate diagnoses and individually tailored recommendations as early as possible is the best way to ensure a brighter future for the next generation.
To contact Kid S.M.A.R.T to learn more about how their services can help your family click HERE or email them at
Kid S.M.A.R.T. depends on your generosity to continue serving our community. Donate Here
Autism Tennessee advocates for the needs of individuals autistic individuals and their families. They stay on top of news and policy that affects the autism community and collaborate with the greater disability community to act when necessary both locally and nationally.
They celebrate. They are a community of hope and healing. They celebrate uniqueness and the hope that comes from finding community.
They educate by providing resources, information, and emotional support. They’ve built a community that understands your fears and your unique journey first hand. They offer a broad array of educational events that can support your day to day challenges and guide you on your next steps.
There are many ways to become a member of the Autism TN community! Click here to learn more about the membership opportunities and benefits! You can also show your support by volunteering! Click here to see how you can get involved and become a champion for Autism Acceptance in your community!
GET HELP - AutismTN HELPline
Autism Tennessee is the only organization in Middle Tennessee providing these services specifically for the autism community. They depend on your generosity to continue providing crucial resources and community to Middle TN. Your donations are greatly appreciated! Click here to learn all the wonderful ways you can give!
TNSTEP is a statewide non-profit that serves as Tennessee's only Parent Training and Information Center and is dedicated to providing special education support and training to families of children and youth with disabilities and special health care needs--including those who experience learning differences and behavioral challenges that impact their access to education. Their mission is to empower parents through information, training, and support to become effective partners with professionals in planning appropriate educational programs for their children. Their ABOUT US page states the following:
TNSTEP’s Mission is to serve families of children and youth, young adults, and those who are involved in their lives.
We provide accurate, timely, and relevant information and training related to special education rights, equal access to quality education, and connections to community resources.
We believe that parents and caregivers are their children’s best advocates and that youth with disabilities should be self-advocates.
We know that families and youth who are informed, empowered, and engaged can effectively collaborate as part of a team for services and support that will lead to improved outcomes and success in life.
TNSTEP is a non-profit organization which depends on grants and donations and is available to all TN families needing special education support. They offer a wide range of free services and resources which you can find HERE.TNSTEP also has a YouTube Channel that is incredibly informative and a great place to start your special education journey as a TN resident!
We greatly appreciate that TNSTEP has a focus on educating about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) as part of the wonderful work they do in supporting Tennessee families.
Curious Credentialed People!
Nashville Neuropsychology & Family Services, PLLC, is a multidisciplinary practice founded by Jackie Klaver, Ph.D., that provides comprehensive pediatric mental health services to children, adolescents, and their families. The NN&FS team is comprised of highly skilled and compassionate providers who can assess, diagnose, and provide treatment for cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral conditions.
Their team’s mission is to support children, adolescents, and young adults (and their families!) in achieving their unique potential through assessment, education, skills-based therapy, and medication management.
They typically see clients/patients up to 18 years old. However, if there is documented medical necessity for the neuropsychological evaluation or if the evaluation is being used to determine eligibility for school/testing accommodations, we may see those up to 25 years old.
Click here to contact NN&FS and see how they can help you thrive!